A.A.C. proudly presents AACshutown.org. This brand new website has everything you’ll need to stay up to date on A.A.C., and most importantly, get involved in the Art as an Agent for Change movement.




Our awesome website was designed by the great folks at the Goebel Media Group. Nick and Lauren Goebel are a husband and wife team that take your website ideas and create great-looking, professionally-made, websites that can meet the needs of any organization. You can check out more of their designs HERE.



AACshutdown.org will feature stories from A.A.C. Members and other artists using their artistic passion to reshape the world. You can also find out how to bring A.A.C. to your community with our new A.A.C. Orgz program. The program aims to build a network of artists and activists who embody the mission of A.A.C. and provide services to communities without an A.A.C. Affiliate Organization. You can find out how to get involved HERE. You can also find out the secret to the Shutdown HERE!

We have a firm belief that lasting human connections are the pathway to a better world. With our collective voices, we’ll reshape the world with art and action that truly make a difference.

Leave a comment below, we’d love to hear from you.